For Your Consideration

Scroll down for a growing list of small publishers.

If you are self publishing, you may be looking for a list of digital printers, too.

Carolyn can save you from making costly mistakes when you choose to self- or subsidy- publish! She'll coach you through the publishing process and help you hire out what you can't do or don't have time to do.

Small Publishers

"4RV Publishing works one on one with authors and artists."


Why should a writer spend their valuable time learning to self publish? Star Publish already has the expertise. Star frees the writer from the learning curve required to self publish. At Star, we take care of the nitty-gritty details of turning your raw manuscript into a quality book. Star publishes in both paperback and ebook formats. Website:

Nancy Cleary heads Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing,

Trafford offers excellent materials to help you decide if they are the ones to publish your book. They do quality work.

Gorham Printing has a free e-book with some neat guidelines on publishing on their home page. Check it (and their services) out. 

Nightengale Press is headed by Valerie Connelly.

Romance at Heart Magazine ( ) is published online by Romance At Heart Publications, a very small e-book publisher.  We only put out a dozen or so books a year.  Romance at Heart Magazine is used to keep in touch with authors, friends, and draw more readers to the world of romance if possible. Contact Rose!~Publisher/Review Coordinator.

Outskirts Press is a subsidy press that is certainly worth your checking into.


Unsolicited Endorsement:

Dear Carolyn,
Since learning about your fantastic marketing web sites and books,
I've not only recommended them to others, but also am drawing heavily
upon your marketing expertise for Port Yonder Press, a newer indie
press from Iowa that I'm working with. Bless you and your marvelous
wisdom, especially for all of us who must market largely on our own.

~ Lisa Lickel, Editor, Creative Wisconsin Magazine, and Port Yonder Press


Publishing isn't what it used to be. There are so many kinds. Partner-, subsidy, traditional- and self-publishing and all kinds or pollination goes on between these categories. So ask questions and study hard before you select one. 

Find at least one tip on writing, promotion, or tech on every page of this Web site. 

Other Resources for Writers

Media release disseminators, content providers, and sites that accept book and author information at no cost: Click Here

 How-to books for writers, reference books and books of inspiration for writers only! Any one will make a great companion to The Frugal Book Promoter and The Frugal Editor!  It includes a list of helpful free e-books and some CDs you can learn tons from, too! Click Here

Contests you can count on, and articles on how to promote with contests. Click Here.

 List of book fairs, tradeshows, conferences and conventions. Your aid to planning ahead. Click Here

 Writers' Conferences: The Big and the Cozy. A list of book fairs, tradeshows, conferences and conventions. Your aid to planning ahead. Click Here

Writers' programs at US universities. (New Master of Science in Publishing listed!) Click Here

FREE Muse Online Writers Conference. This conference affords opportunities to learn more about publishing, promotion, and writing craft. It even includes online pitch sessions with some publishers and agents. Sponsored by Lea Schizas. It was cofounded by Carolyn Howard-Johnson.  Click Here

Digital (print-on-demand) printers. Click Here

Buy Links for Carolyn's Books

Carolyn's HowToDoItFrugally Series
Helpful Books for Writers

Great Fiction
HARKENING at Amazon in their new and used feature.
Both of these books are out of print. They are available only on Amazon's New and Used feature for about $1.

Great Poetry
Purchase TRACINGS (Finishing Line Press) at Amazon.
IMPERFECT ECHOES: Writing Truth and Justice with Capital Letters,
lie and oppression with Small

Give the gift of poetry with a chapbook from Magdalena Ball's
My Celebration Series

CHERISHED PULSE: Unconventional Love Poetry
IMAGINING THE FUTURE: Ruminations on Fathers and Other Masculine Apparitions
SHE WORE EMERALD THEN: Reflections on Motherhood
BLOOMING RED: Christmas Poetry for the Rational
DEEPER INTO THE POND: Celebration of Femininity
SUBLIME PLANET: Celebrating Earth and the Universe

HowToDoItFrugally Series for Writers
Second Edition

Survive and Thrive Series of HowToDoItFrugally Books for Retailers
The books from Carolyn's HowToDoItFrugally series of books for retailers are included on this list. Authors of books are also retailers. Yep, they should blog. Yep, they should Tweet. Just substitute the word "author" when you see the word "retailer." I know you'll benefit from retailers' secrets. I did!



Most of Carolyn's books are also available for the Kindle reader.
Did you know that with the Free app, Kindle can be adapted to any reader--even your PC!

"Careers that are not fed die as readily as
any living organism given no sustenance." 
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Studio photography by Uriah Carr
3 Dimensional Book Cover Images by iFOGO
Logo by Lloyd King

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Learn more about Carolyn's newsletter and blog.

Read past issues of Carolyn's Newsletter.


Frugal E-Book Tip

Kindle E-Books Aren't
Just for Kindle Anymore

Did you know that Amazon’s Kindle e-books are a low-cost/no-cost way to access books even if you don’t have a dedicated Kindle reader? You can read Kindle's e-books on smartphones, desktop computers and any e-device in between. You can even store the books on the Amazon cloud.

~ Quote from Diana Schneidman, author and marketer

 "Careers that are not fed die as readily
as any living organism given no sustenance." 
Carolyn Howard-Johnson

Studio photography by Uriah Carr
3 Dimensional Book Cover Images by iFOGO
Logo by Lloyd King

To subscribe to Carolyn's FREE online newsletter send an e-mail.

Learn more about Carolyn's newsletter and blog.

Read past issues of Carolyn's Newsletter. 


While you browse...

...find at least one promotion, writing, or tech tip on every page on this site. Sometimes you'll find two or three! Happy browsing and collecting!

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Carolyn Howard-Johnson's Sharing with Writers Newsletter

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Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers

"I have been a professional writer 40 years, and am also a tenured full professor of journalism. Carolyn's Sharing with Writers newsletter is  most useful for me--and for my students. I emphasize to them that while research is 90% of writing, and the actual writing is about 10%, there's another 100% out there called promotion. Carolyn shows numerous ways to get the message to the mass media."
~Walter Brasch, author and educator

"A decade of bettering writers' careers with how-tos, tips, and publishing news."

Find Carolyn on the Web

  writers retailers

Carolyn's Blogs

The Frugal Retailer Blog
Carolyn shares nearly three decades of retailing experience   with
an emphasis on marketing.

Sharing with Writers
All things publishing with
an emphasis on book
promotion. Named to
Writer's Digest
101 Best Website list.

The New Book Review
Great way for readers, authors, reviewers and publicists to get more
mileage out of
a great review.

The Frugal Editor Blog
This is the Frugal, Smart
and Tuned-In Editor blog.
Covers editing, grammar, formatting and more.
Get the answers you need.

Published Works Almanac

Carolyn's Awards


"I’m a writer who would love to have someone else take over the editing and proofreading stages of my manuscripts because I hate editing, proofreading, and rewriting. Ms. Howard-Johnson’s techniques and her encouragement from page to page of THE FRUGAL BOOK EDITOR lifts my spirits to the level where I can approach these hated tasks in a better attitude and get the job done. I advise all writers to obtain a copy of THE FRUGAL BOOK EDITOR and keep it handy as your write."  
~Lucille P. Robinson, reviewer for
Alternative Read

Wow. What more can I say? [The Frugal Book Promoter is] interesting, informative, readable and more. Easy to follow, quotes and technique mixed in together wonderfully. This is an A-one job. Watch out world! I’m going to have to put it under my pillow
~ Leora G. Krygier, author of First the Raven and When She Sleeps

 Just visiting your Web site gives me ideas and prompts me. It's very inspiring to meet and now know such an energetic fellow writer. You are wonderfully dedicated to our craft. ~Anonymous


I was i... was quite impressed with their USA Book News' booth at Book Expo America and Jeff's efforts on all our behalf.
Loren Woodson, author of The Passion of Maryam (Plain View Press, 2007)

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